Brandon Steven – an overview on his career

Entrepreneurship is the great deal that everyone does not get succeed in this area. Though many people are interested in doing business, only few of them are attaining the position that drags the attention of everyone. The success of a businessman will be determined only with the aid of the strategies applied and the plan of his moves in his business over the competitors in the same field. When he starts to look around for the new options to try and get the right way to find out the development then no one can able to stop him climbing the success steps. One of such person is Brandon Steven. His is the successful entrepreneur with lots of skills in his relevant area.

Who is he?

He is an entrepreneur who is also interested in philanthropy too. The second quality is not mostly seen in many successful entrepreneurs. But he is one who loves to take care about the welfare of the other people too. In earlier age, he was much interested in sports and the other one is entrepreneurship. It is one of the main reasons for his success in his later career. The interest on it has influenced him to the great level. It can be said that he is not interested in his college studies but he is super interested in doing businesses. So at his college he followed many ways to earn money with his strategic skills. All the ways that he had followed are creative and did everything in a different approach. Among them some of the things that he has done are selling used cars, candies, t-shirts, etc. The experience that he has gained from them made him to realize the basic strategic skills in the business world.

His accomplishments:

After completing the college studies he had decided to enter into the business world completely. As an initial step, he had started the business of finding service for cars. With the details of the cars available at the various locations, he has preceded the business. Though it did not gain him much profit for him, it has gained the practical knowledge about the cars and the needs in a car to sell. Since the profit is not up to the level, he has started to do the same car business but in a different approach. This time he fixed the car and sold them. And he step by step improved his skills and then started to become the growing businessman in car dealerships. He has also awarded by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society as the national man of the year. In addition to this he is interested in the philanthropy as I mentioned above. He has also got awards in car dealerships. Now he has grown as the person who has provided jobs for thousands of people. Since he has followed his dream and achieved what he can with the enhanced skills over periods, he has tasted the success and still he is in charge of doing developments in his business.

5 Ways to Boost Brand Awareness Through Online Strategies

The internet has completely revolutionised the way that we do business all over the globe. Things that were not even thought possible a decade ago are now commonplace thanks to advances in information technology and the almost limitless imagination and daring of digital entrepreneurs. The same technology that provides incredible opportunities also fosters intense competition in a crowded market in which everyone is trying desperately to be heard. The vast majority of businesses will not survive into their second year. However, there are a number of strategies that you can employ to give your business the edge that will allow it to survive and thrive.

Local SEO

Search engines such as Google have almost completely changed the way we shop. The first thing that almost all people do when considering any purchase is to “Google” the item. It is easy to see how ranking well in search results can be the single most important factor in building brand awareness for a smaller organisation. With search engine algorithms becoming every smarter, local SEO is the key to ensuring that your brand will be seen by as many people as possible in the areas in which you operate. The catch is that you need to have a physical address in order to be recognised for those locations. Before you throw up your hands in despair, consider renting a virtual office. Let’s say you want to grow your market in New Zealand. Securing a virtual office space in Aukland will provide you with a physical address that can be used for SEO purposes to build localised authority so that web users in that area will find you when searching for relevant keywords.

Pay Per Click

Strategies such as PPC (Google Adwords) and Google Shopping are incredible tools that can allow smaller organisations to compete on a level playing field with the big boys. Paid search starts working for you immediately and when well managed, can drive a significant amount of visitors to your website that are ready to buy right now.

Social Media

This one is no secret. Everyone knows how critical a Social Media presence can be for growing brand awareness and communicating your organisation’s key messages, culture and values to a captive audience. However, few companies get their Social right and end up squandering what otherwise would have been a prime opportunity. Familiarise yourself with what makes a high-quality, effective Social strategy and make sure you stick with it consistently.


Ever wondered how those ads keep popping up everywhere you surf for that furniture store website you visited last week? That’s retargeting. While it can sometimes be annoying, the statistics show that it is incredibly effective in keeping your brand front-of-mind for potential customers that have already shown explicit interest in what you offer. Especially for larger purchases where consumers might take their time to make their decision, retargeting can gently remind the user of who you are and prod them to return once they are ready to buy.

Conversion Rate Optimisation

CRO is the process of optimising your website to convert the maximum number of visitors into customers. This field is highly specialised and employs advanced technologies and techniques to achieve results. While there is certainly an investment, the increase in conversion rates for your website are usually well worth it.

By using the tools at your strategy, you too can be successful in growing your brand, your business and your bottom line. Good luck!

Should I trust online insurance brokers?

With everything available online, you shouldn’t be surprised to know that you can buy insurance policies online too. Insurance company websites, online aggregators and online brokers – each of them facilitate the purchase of any insurance policy online and that too, with least efforts required. Though insurance companies and online aggregators too sell insurance online, online insurance brokers have an edge over them. Since brokers have expertise, they provide you with the relevant information when selling the insurance plan. Though brokers are good, can they be trusted?

Yes, they can be trusted. Online insurance brokers are extremely safe when buying an insurance policy. If you don’t believe me, here are the reasons why you can trust online brokers to buy your insurance policy:

They are licensed by the IRDA

Just as insurance agents require an IRDA (Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority) license, online insurance brokers can also do business if they are licensed by the IRDA. An IRDA license is granted to genuine insurance sellers and as online brokers have this license, they are authorized sellers of insurance policies and can be trusted. Any discrepancy in their actions can be notified to the insurance regulator.

They have a verified payment gateway

When you buy an insurance policy from an online insurance broker, you are required to pay the premium too online. Since premiums are paid through the digital mode, online brokers have extremely safe and secured payment gateways which protect your payment details. Online brokers ensure that you do not fall victim to internet fraud through their internet security measures.

Online brokers provide 24*7 assistance

Though your agent might be a trusted relative/friend, there might be times when your agent might not be around to render you the required service. Online insurance brokers, on the contrary, have a 24*7 active presence through their website. In case of any query, you can chat with their representative online, call their customer care number or even send them an email anytime you like and they revert back to you with a solution.

They provide assistance at the time of claims

Online insurance brokers have dedicated claim service assistance. You can contact the broker for any claim-related query you might have through an email, phone call or by leaving your query on the broker’s website. Thus, online brokers ensure you service assistance in case of claims too.

Online insurance brokers help in providing the best insurance solution for your needs

Brokers deal in insurance products of multiple companies. As such, they give you an unbiased advice on the best plan according to your needs. They list all the plans available to let you compare and decide on the best plan suitable to your requirements.

Because of the above-mentioned factors, online insurance brokers can be trusted when you think about buying an insurance plan. In fact, their expertise and round-the-clock assistance help you both at the time of buying the policy and also after you have bought the policy and have any queries. In order to choose the best insurance plan from the best online insurance broker you should,

Ensure that the online broker is reputed and renowned.

Ensure that the online broker holds a valid IRDA license

Review the broker’s performance since establishment

Find out whether the broker has a claim assistance service on its portal

Understand the payment gateway allowed by the broker and see if it is secured

Contact the broker’s helpline for any queries before you buy the product

When you buy the product, make sure to compare between the available plans and then buy the product. If you follow the above guidelines, you would not regret buying your insurance plan from an online broker.

Online insurance brokers are trustworthy and help you choose an insurance policy most suitable for your needs. They also have an online assistance service for any queries you might have. So, give up your inhibitions and buy an insurance policy from an online insurance broker today. You would be happy of your decision.