One thing you learn as you grow older is how important it is to have your finances organized and balanced. Messy finances can land you in very messy situations in life before you even realize it. The trickiest of them all are the taxes that a lot of us do not do correctly. It’s disappointing how our education system doesn’t teach us about them. Therefore we need a Chartered Accountant who can help us with the finances. If you are looking for the best Chartered Accountancy Firm all you need to think about is Major Chartered Accountant Services. They are a family-run company and have the most skilled and certified professionals. If you wish to know more you can visit
They are one of the best Family-run companies in London. They are tech-savvy and do not believe in using traditional methodologies to get the results because they tend to complicate the process. They are officially a 100% paper-free office and trust newly developed software to do the job. This ensures that all the records are safe and very organized.
They were nominated for some of the most prestigious awards like “Women in Accountancy and Finance Awards 2020”. Their attention to detail and accurate result is what makes them a better option. You can always visit their firm to meet directly for a free consultation session.
It is very important to check about the accreditation received by a firm before consulting them. Here are a few of the most important and prestigious Accreditation that Major holds-
- The Parliamentary Review
- Making Tax Digital Pro Advisor
- Accounting Web UK Panelist
What makes them the best CA firm?
- They understand the functioning of both big and small businesses and the unique challenges that come with it.
- They work on an entirely automated and cloud-based platform which makes their work very efficient.
- They provide excellent accounting services like VAT, Management Accounts, Budgeting forecasts, Business Plan, Financial Planning, Personal and Company accounts along with taxes.
- They also cover you for the payroll, automatic enrolments, and CIS. This saves a lot of your time and also looks into any pension-related services.
- All the support related to MTD and VAT
It is important that any financial services firm is updated with the frequent changes in tax clauses and many other things. To make their services more efficient they have partnered with various organizations like Quick Books, Receipt Bank, Capitalise, Starling Bank and Fluidly.
If you are a start-up, a renowned company or self-employed you can always Major Chartered Certified Accountants. They will make sure that your finances are crystal clear and provide you with all the guidance you need. Your finances and business are in good hands with Major.